I am co-organizing the Virtual Israel Macro Meeting (VIMM), the international online seminar series in macroeconomics and monetary economics of the Bank of Israel’s Research Department. Check out our website to see the great line up of speakers or attend. Follow VIMM on Twitter @vimacro_org.
- 18/02/2025: My coauthor, Cory Baird, will present our last project Global Database for Central Bank Communications at the 4th IFC and Bank of Italy Workshop on Data Science in Central Banking. IFC is the BIS Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics. Conference program available here.
- 20/09/2024: My coauthor, Yaakov Chen-Zion, will present our paper Structural Core Inflation at the 3rd Dynare Workshop for Advanced Users.
- 27/08/2024: I will present our paper about Structural Core Inflation (with Yaakov Chen-Zion) at the 39th annual congress of the European Economic Association (EEA). Conference program available here.
- 05/01/2024: My coauthor, Luigi Palumbo, will present our paper about Sanctions and Russian Online Prices at the 136th American Economic Association annual conference (ASSA/AEA). Conference session program available here.
- 28/08/2023: My coauthor, Luigi Palumbo, will present our paper about Sanctions and Russian Online Prices at the 38th annual congress of the European Economic Association (EEA). Conference program available here.
- 22/06/2023: My coauthor, Luigi Palumbo, will present our paper about Sanctions and Russian Online Prices at the Joint NBU-NBP 2023 Annual Research Conference: Economic Policies during Wartime and Post-War Recovery conference (National Bank of Ukraine and National Bank of Poland, with the support of the International Monetary Fund). Conference program available here.
- 03/02/2023: My coauthor, Luigi Palumbo, will present our paper about Sanctions and Russian Online Prices at the International Conference on Global Threats to the World Economy conference (RCEA Europe, European Commission, University of California Riverside, University of Milano-Bicocca). Program with Zoom links here.
- 21/07/2022: I will present our paper (with Oren Barkan, Itamar Caspi, Eliya Cohen, Allon Hammer, and Noam Koenigstein) about forecasting CPI inflation components with hierarchical recurrent neural networks at the Advanced Analytics: New Methods and Applications for Macroeconomic Policy conference (Bank of England, ECB and King’s College London joint workshop). Paper available here.
- 23/06/2022: I will present our paper (with Makram El-Shagi and Yossi Saadon) about expert experience and characteristics affecting inflation forecasts at the International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE) Annual Conference. Paper available here.
- 21/06/2022: I will present our paper (with Oren Barkan, Itamar Caspi, Eliya Cohen, Allon Hammer, and Noam Koenigstein) about forecasting CPI inflation components with hierarchical recurrent neural networks at the International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE) Annual Conference. Paper available here.
- 28/03/2022: Our paper (with Sophia Kazinnik and Yossi Saadon) entitled the Text Mining Methodologies with R: An Application to Central Bank Texts is published in Machine Learning and Applications in open access, with all the replication files (code and data) available online.
- 07/01/2022: Our coauthor, Lahcen Bounader (IMF), will present our poster on Present-Biased Households and Monetary Policy with Doron Kliger (University of Haifa) at the ASSA 2022 Annual Conference, AEA Poster Session. Poster available here.
- 03/11/2021: I will discuss the paper “The voice of monetary policy” by Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Tho Pham, and Oleksandr Talavera at the Advanced analytics: new methods and applications for macroeconomic policy conference, organized by the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, and the King’s College London. Discussion available here.
- 01/09/2021: I will present our paper (with Sophia Kazinnik and Yossi Saadon) about the Fed communication and the COVID-19 pandemic at the 52nd Annual Conference of the Money, Macro and Finance Society (MMF). Updated paper available here.
- 08/07/2021: I will present our paper (with Sophia Kazinnik and Yossi Saadon) about the Fed communication and the COVID-19 pandemic at the Central Bank Research Association Annual Meeting (CEBRA). Updated paper available here.
- 25/06/2021: I will present our paper (with Makram El-Shagi and Yossi Saadon) about expert experience and characteristics affecting inflation forecasts at the Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society (AMES). Updated paper available here.
- 27/05/2021: Our paper (with Sophia Kazinnik and Yossi Saadon) entitled the Federal Reserve Communication and the COVID-19 Pandemic appeared in the CEPR’s Covid Economics, vetted and real-time papers series.
- 16/04/2021: I will present our paper (with Lahcen Bounader) about optimal monetary policy under bounded rationality at the Center for Excellence in Finance and Economic Research (CEFER), Bank of Lithuania. Updated paper and presentation are available here.
- 03/01/2021: I presented our paper (with Sophia Kazinnik and Yossi Saadon) on central bank communication in times of pandemics at the 133nd American Economic Association annual conference (ASSA/AEA).